So I was sitting here listening to Trey Songs album and I cant help but say that "Cant Be Friends"..hits way too close to home..too perfectly...
Worst thing a person can do is fall in love with a friend.. Emotions just become crazy and it will ultimately ruin the hard as you try to bring it back to will never be the same..its crazy how much you grow in such a short amount of time from the most random experiences..and this was one of them...Im not hurt, sad, upset, jealous, because I know I dont deserve someone who is not willing to love me and only me...but it sucks when the friendship that once was so good.. goes downhill.. But anyway-Time will ultimately tell what is suppose to happen.
"Now I'm sitting here halfway crazy
'Cause I know (he) still thinks about me too
And it ain't no way in hell
That I can be just friends with you" - Trey Songz
story of my life.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Train bum story.
Lady gets on the train. And asks for everyones attention (no this is not a silly riddle with a funny punch line)... she begins talking about her niece and how her niece's mom died in open heart surgery and needs 15287 dollars to pay for a mal practice lawyer.
Let me tell you why I gave her a dollar.
1. She mentioned she had a job and how she was sorry to disrupt us knowing we just came out of work because she had also.
2. She was not from any basketball team, dance group or a kid trying to keep themselves of the streets by selling u an unknown true ingredients M&M's
3. She gave exact #s . She said she needed not * couple of cents, some dollars, whatevers available* she said she needed 15,827 dollars exactly...
4. She really has some balls to ask for that money on the train if she actually needed it for that
5. She really has some balls if she gave that story and didnt
6.Whether she really used that money for a lawyer or a crack pipe-thats up to her.. all i know is that she gets an A for effort. :D
Let me tell you why I gave her a dollar.
1. She mentioned she had a job and how she was sorry to disrupt us knowing we just came out of work because she had also.
2. She was not from any basketball team, dance group or a kid trying to keep themselves of the streets by selling u an unknown true ingredients M&M's
3. She gave exact #s . She said she needed not * couple of cents, some dollars, whatevers available* she said she needed 15,827 dollars exactly...
4. She really has some balls to ask for that money on the train if she actually needed it for that
5. She really has some balls if she gave that story and didnt
6.Whether she really used that money for a lawyer or a crack pipe-thats up to her.. all i know is that she gets an A for effort. :D
Friday, November 5, 2010
Concrete jungles where dreams are made of..
I fell upon this article in the Village Voice today and was blown away to really think that most of things about NY are so true, whether you were born here, or whether your a (permanent) visitor. You can not help but loooovee NY as much and more than you hate it. If you dont like one part, you can always find another completely different area a block over. Check out this article, which makes me never want to leave the city I was born and raised in, but which everyday I'm find a new little corner store to discover.
Some of my fave's
47. There is always someone crazier than you. ALWAYS. (my fav)!!!!
36. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, there is someone who will bring it to you for a price, which may or may not be negotiable. (Or legal.)
22. How easy it is to find doughnuts, pizza, Chinese food, or any other snack your drunken self desires at 4 a.m. Or to continue to drink. Responsibly!.
9. Jaywalking is an art form. (it def is and we take it for granted..try getting a 300 ticket in tx for not even realizing what ure doing is jaywalking ;))
7. Subway "prewalking," in which you walk to the exact right spot on the platform to board the train car that will save you the most time upon exit, exists and has a name. Gotta respect.
For the full blog check out:
Some of my fave's
47. There is always someone crazier than you. ALWAYS. (my fav)!!!!
36. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, there is someone who will bring it to you for a price, which may or may not be negotiable. (Or legal.)
22. How easy it is to find doughnuts, pizza, Chinese food, or any other snack your drunken self desires at 4 a.m. Or to continue to drink. Responsibly!.
9. Jaywalking is an art form. (it def is and we take it for granted..try getting a 300 ticket in tx for not even realizing what ure doing is jaywalking ;))
7. Subway "prewalking," in which you walk to the exact right spot on the platform to board the train car that will save you the most time upon exit, exists and has a name. Gotta respect.
For the full blog check out:
Thursday, October 21, 2010
90s were def better times
I truly believe that everything since the 90s has gone downhill. Not in a horrible, end of the world sort of way, but in a "it sucks" way. I think to how everything from : toys, shows, movies, even holidays were happier and bright and bold! Although the "naughts" (2000s and above) are not that bad, they are just a replication of the 80s and specifically the 90s. Our fashion, our lifestyles, our way of talk, at least in the city, would have a big ol' citation page referring to works of the 90s. In the spirit of the decade I was raised, I thought I'd share a couple of clips from my fav shows (non family sitcom) in the whole world till this day....
I'm a sagitarius..def a daydreamer, and while i dont like thinking about the present (unless i have to get shyt done), most of my mind time (motivation to do things) is spent in the past and in the future, these are some of the things i like to recollect about..enjoy and let me know if you agree and disagree?
Repair man man man man
one of my favvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv skits!!!! I heart Alisa Reyes & lori beth!
if you accidently flush ure friend down the toilet..u either have a really huge toilet..or a really teeny friend...
I'm a sagitarius..def a daydreamer, and while i dont like thinking about the present (unless i have to get shyt done), most of my mind time (motivation to do things) is spent in the past and in the future, these are some of the things i like to recollect about..enjoy and let me know if you agree and disagree?
Repair man man man man
one of my favvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv skits!!!! I heart Alisa Reyes & lori beth!
if you accidently flush ure friend down the toilet..u either have a really huge toilet..or a really teeny friend...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Creativity at its best.Who doesnt love orgasms lol..

The 6 new shades by Mattese are suppose to embody the phases and progression of an orgasm. Best part of the dope and different shades.. the names:
1. Soft & wet
2.Hard edge
3. Amazing Rush
4. Intense Pleasure
5. Explosive Sensation
6. Cream Dream
My fav Soft and wet and cream dream...who wouldnt love these two shades. What are your favorite phases of orgasm? *wink*
Check out the shades here
Friday, October 8, 2010
Yea I Have it
Woke up this morning feeling amazing!!! (even with the sniffles).. On my conceited tip and had this song on repeat.. (reminded me of u too Crystal lol, so if you dont have it download it! ). To all my women who know they "got it".
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Masochist in Me!
Sometimes I wonder why those closest to me and myself always settle for the less of most situations. My grandma used to tell me that a while back someone cursed all of the women in her mothers lineage and so we were all doomed with love. When I was younger, her stories and explanations made for fun late night tales, but now that I'm older I'm starting to wonder if these stories may be more true then I could ever imagine. I go even further now and worry if my family's female curse has gone far enough as to spread to my close friends like a common cold on a college dorm floor. I used to tell myself that somehow I draw friends who's men issue r different and varying in ever which way ..but problems none the least....
As usual I'm on my evening trip home from work and I can't help but get angry at how stupid and delusional I let myself become when I meet someone with a nice smile and some hospitality. Maybe its the young girl in me, who has yet to flourish, but I somehow continue to expect the best in all types of people when I know I should be more careful..and usually end with a major blow to my heart....I realized that I am the same way about the men I meet as I am with the shopping I do.. I'm in the store and see this really nice top. At first its just a nice top, but as I walk around the store, I start obsessing about all the ways I can wear this amazing top. So much that I go back to pick it up, only to realize..its a way too expensive price to pay for that simple top that you basically just put on the same pedistal as some godly objects. And so what do I do..instead of putting down the top and finding something nicer that doesn't cost as much, I buy the top....Only to get home with this non refundable top and realize I didn't bother to try it out in the store and it does not FIT...Now I'm stuck with this shirt I can't rid of and this pain thinking about how much of me went into getting the shirt.. I and many girlfriends I have, don't stop and think about the situation, if something is a little off, and we have the instinct that we shouldn't go for a guy, we do it anyway, just cuz..or because we want to try to make it work....and most times after the epic fail..we go back to the store and go back for the same shirt in a different color, hoping this one will look better because it's a little different..
Back to my grandma (just because I love listening to her so much)....2 of her quotes stick out in my head..."Todo lo que brilla, no es oro" and " Lo barato siempre sale caro". (All that glitters is not gold ; the cheap always turns out being expensive.) I ask myself - When am I going to start getting my life together and analysing the real pros and cons of being with someone?..and at the same time opening myself up with the potential of being hurt and dealing with it to find something better, but not being hurt just because I'm a masochist and like finding people who will always find a way of hurting you... I'm trying but its hard when shopping for both men and clothing, is made simple with the okay stuff on top of the pile- without trying to dig for the really good stuff thats hidden at the bottom of the box. I just hope I find that soon so that Im not stuck with a heap of bad fitting men and tops in my closet...
Anyhoot back to life..back to reality
Until nxt time
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
As usual I'm on my evening trip home from work and I can't help but get angry at how stupid and delusional I let myself become when I meet someone with a nice smile and some hospitality. Maybe its the young girl in me, who has yet to flourish, but I somehow continue to expect the best in all types of people when I know I should be more careful..and usually end with a major blow to my heart....I realized that I am the same way about the men I meet as I am with the shopping I do.. I'm in the store and see this really nice top. At first its just a nice top, but as I walk around the store, I start obsessing about all the ways I can wear this amazing top. So much that I go back to pick it up, only to realize..its a way too expensive price to pay for that simple top that you basically just put on the same pedistal as some godly objects. And so what do I do..instead of putting down the top and finding something nicer that doesn't cost as much, I buy the top....Only to get home with this non refundable top and realize I didn't bother to try it out in the store and it does not FIT...Now I'm stuck with this shirt I can't rid of and this pain thinking about how much of me went into getting the shirt.. I and many girlfriends I have, don't stop and think about the situation, if something is a little off, and we have the instinct that we shouldn't go for a guy, we do it anyway, just cuz..or because we want to try to make it work....and most times after the epic fail..we go back to the store and go back for the same shirt in a different color, hoping this one will look better because it's a little different..
Back to my grandma (just because I love listening to her so much)....2 of her quotes stick out in my head..."Todo lo que brilla, no es oro" and " Lo barato siempre sale caro". (All that glitters is not gold ; the cheap always turns out being expensive.) I ask myself - When am I going to start getting my life together and analysing the real pros and cons of being with someone?..and at the same time opening myself up with the potential of being hurt and dealing with it to find something better, but not being hurt just because I'm a masochist and like finding people who will always find a way of hurting you... I'm trying but its hard when shopping for both men and clothing, is made simple with the okay stuff on top of the pile- without trying to dig for the really good stuff thats hidden at the bottom of the box. I just hope I find that soon so that Im not stuck with a heap of bad fitting men and tops in my closet...
Anyhoot back to life..back to reality
Until nxt time
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Joshua Show
The lil man, doing what he does best, talking to people.. People this was his idea.. Gabby and I just supported his curiosity for the arts lol.. Luv this boy.. The Cereal Commercial is my favorite!
The Joshua Show Part 1
Cereal Commercial 1
Shampoo Commercial 2
The Joshua Show Part 1
Cereal Commercial 1
Shampoo Commercial 2
Merry Christmas!
Everytime I saw my homeboy Smalls- he greeted me with the same line. "Merry Christmas Ghostgrace (the ghost nickname came about from being the m.i.a. friend that I was )!". It was funny in the winter..well because it was the christmas season but when mid june came about 2 yrs ago, I was like wait..this doesnt match up with the season ..So I asked him what it meant.. and what I got was remarkable and I will never I thought I'd share. He tells everyone Merry Christmas..because to him-everyday is a gift! Amazing isnt it? SO today as I think about all the things I am eternally grateful for having in my life, I say Merry Christmas to all!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sweet but Street
So today I was really thinking about being raised in the bx and being "streetsmart" and how important it is to survive in NYC. Like really! its something certain people can learn bits and pieces from not being from here but can never fully grasps the full idea of all it entails. 4. At the same time, you prob stick me in hickstown and I'd be doomed for life minus being able to identify birch wood (summer camp). But I was on the train and started laughing outloud (being the crazy person I am). ;) . I was thinking of the abc's of the train, and unless you were from here and were out and about riding the train would not notice this. So I thought I'd give people a lesson on trains if they want to get a seat in NYC
Uptown going downtown
1. Sit next to minorities, the deeper into the city you go, the less you'll see of them and the more likely you are to get a seat. People from the Bronx barely go into Brooklyn and vice versa.
Exception to this rule.
a.Older people in suits (early morning work trips to midtown and wall street)
b. young people 17 -30 range( late weekend nights are spent in midtown and the village )
Downtown going uptown
2. You got it! sit next to white people, chances are they are not going anywhere into harlem or the bx, and are probably scared to pass the 124th Street stops
Exception to this rule
a. 1 train- never know if they are going to riverdale, so you cannot sleep on it. Gentrification on the hudson is serious, so watch out.
b. young hipster looking groups.- many times they may be going to some of those hidden secret parks and museums that not many people know about uptown
c. crackheads because they probably dont know where they are going either.
And of course there are gonna be a couple of outliers that dont fit, like people missing their stop, but its pretty true to the streets lol..try it out next time ure on the train and ull save fighting someone for that spot because ull be standing right where you need to be ..
stay sweet but street <3
Uptown going downtown
1. Sit next to minorities, the deeper into the city you go, the less you'll see of them and the more likely you are to get a seat. People from the Bronx barely go into Brooklyn and vice versa.
Exception to this rule.
a.Older people in suits (early morning work trips to midtown and wall street)
b. young people 17 -30 range( late weekend nights are spent in midtown and the village )
Downtown going uptown
2. You got it! sit next to white people, chances are they are not going anywhere into harlem or the bx, and are probably scared to pass the 124th Street stops
Exception to this rule
a. 1 train- never know if they are going to riverdale, so you cannot sleep on it. Gentrification on the hudson is serious, so watch out.
b. young hipster looking groups.- many times they may be going to some of those hidden secret parks and museums that not many people know about uptown
c. crackheads because they probably dont know where they are going either.
And of course there are gonna be a couple of outliers that dont fit, like people missing their stop, but its pretty true to the streets lol..try it out next time ure on the train and ull save fighting someone for that spot because ull be standing right where you need to be ..
stay sweet but street <3
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lil Bro doing Thriller.
I'm telling you this boy has the most amazing sure to check him out (hes gonna be a hit).. Mind you he also gives the best information on life lessons =)
Monday, June 7, 2010
1st time
So Today is the first day I try at this blog thing..Im not the one to write much but I just had to talk about this first! F* Guys! Yep I sed it. F* them lol.. Now before I get world war 3 started here, let me clear some things up. So today in my crazy little mind of mine, I decided to seperate the human, already socially constructed, and extremely confusing ideal of Man and Woman (from certain physical characteristics alone) even further. Specifically relating to the word called "man". I think a man is someone who stands up for what he not afraid to speak his mind...and when it is time to own up to his own mistakes, he is willing to do so.. (Hey Jesus did it)... and while Jesus didnt end up in the best of places doing so, I think that the idea that there was a MAN courageous enough to just Do HIM, is pretty damn sexy. Not every male is a man, and those who refuse to except that, are obviously not men lol.. Anyhow..back to work ttyalls
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